SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING - Social Media Marketing Course Free of Cost -Part 2

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING - Social Media Marketing Course Free of Cost -Part 2

 If you want to make the most out of your social media account, it is important that you know how to use it, and knowing the latest social media statistics would help.

 Here are the latest statistics that you need to know before creating your social media strategies: 

 • The most passionate advocates have the smallest following. When social monitoring site Mention studied more than 1 billion social mentions for two years, they learned that 91% of mentions are made by people with less than 500 followers. While you should interact with power users, don’t forget about engaging social media users with a few followers because most of them will be the ones talking about you.

 • Written content is more valuable than visuals, according to marketers. A 3,000-respondent survey by Social Media Examiners among marketers showed that about 58% of them believe that original written content is the most important form of content in social media, while only 19% valued visuals. 13 Use written content to establish yourself as an expert in your niche and improve brand awareness. Post a good story about your brand. 

• Retweets are best done late at night. They are most effective when done between 10pm and 11pm ET and on Sundays, according to Track Maven. They should also come with the world “Retweet” in all caps or with exclamation points to increase retweets. You can test this theory out and see how it impacts your engagement. 

• Twitter responses have to be done in less than an hour. According to Lithium Technologies research, 53% of the users who tweet you expect your reply within the hour. Use tools to monitor your customer support tweets and check your Twitter email alerts to respond to your tweets fast. 

• Fridays are the best day of the week for Facebook users. According to Adobe, Fridays receive more likes, shares, and comments than any other day of the week, after analyzing more than 225 billion Facebook posts Make sure to include Friday for your Facebook posting schedule.

 • Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest are the most effective traffic drivers. Social sharing website Shareaholic showed that these 14 three social media sites refer to more traffic. On the other hand, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube are the top three sites when it comes to pages per visit, time on site, and bounce rate. If you want to increase brand awareness, choose Twitter and Facebook, and maybe Pinterest, too. If you’re aiming for qualified traffic, focus more on YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn.

 • Pinterest has a different category pulling in the most engagement each day. Monday is for fitness; Tuesday is for technology; Wednesday is for inspirational quotes; Thursday is for fashion; Friday is for humor; Saturday is for travel, and Sunday is for food and crafts. Make a Pinterest board that covers all these topics and create a schedule based on the findings above.

 • Target 28, 118, or 385 interactions for each Facebook post. According to Social Bakers, social media pages with up to 9,999 fans need 28 interactions per post; those with 10,000 to 99,999 fans need 118, and those with 100,000 to 499,999 fans need 385. 

 Interactions refer to shares, comments, and likes in total. The more interactions your post gets, the wider its reach. Monitor your 

   Facebook page using these benchmarks.

 • There are 6 unique conversation networks on Twitter. These are the following: 

 a. Polarized crowds, which discuss polarizing topics, such as politics, and do not interact with groups they are in disagreement with; 

 b. Tight crowds, which usually consist of professionals, conferences, or hobby groups that interact about ideas, opinions, and information; 

 c. Brand clusters, which discuss celebrities and products that are of mass interest but with minimal connectivity; 

 d. Community clusters, which discuss popular topics and global news events and are often disconnected from each other; 

 e. Broadcast network, which usually consists of the loyal followers of pundits and media outlets who have little interaction with each other;

 f. Support networks, which are created as government agencies, organizations, and companies respond to customer queries, requests, and complaints, with the company or organization replying to disconnected users. 

 If you want brand engagement, target the community clusters and tight crowds, and possibly the support networks. Find the Twitter network that suits you best.

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